Free.midi Style Koplo New Psr
Here are a wonderful free Yamaha styles pack, they are suitable for every PSR keyboard, these ones was especially designed for the PSR-8000 but it is compatible with almost all Yamaha PSR series. All styles have four variations and they are in total 82 styles!
Home » FREE MIDI » midi for PSR s900 3000 dangdut midi for PSR s900 3000 dangdut. Style korg, free download style, free keyboard style, free style yamaha, free style korg, Midi Gratis, Midi Free, Free Midi, Midi Seuries, Midi Gambus, Midi Top 10, Midi Top ten, Midi percuma, midi malaysia percuma, midi awie, midi malaysia gratis, free malaysian midi, chinesse midi, midi mandarin, midi. For Voice & Style Expansion for new PSR. Thanks to Yamaha’s new Voice & Style. Menyediakan midi dangdut, koplo, pop, langgam, campursari, keroncong, terbaru. Free Download Style Keyboard Yamaha,style keyboard, free style koplo, style pop, style dangdut. Yamaha psr 2100: Ulwan: 18: Sumpah I love you: Yamaha psr 2100. PSR-S700 Firmware update. CGP-1000, PSR-S900/S700, PSR.
Here is the list:
- 8BAdri.sty
- 8Beat1.sty
- 8Beat2.sty
- 8Beat3.sty
- 8Beat4.sty
- 8BHeat.sty
- 8BPop.sty
- 8BSoft.sty
- 8BSoul.sty
- 16Ball∼1.sty
- 16Ball∼2.sty
- 16Ball1.sty
- 16Beat1.sty
- 16Beat2.sty
- 16Beat3.sty
- 16Beat4.sty
- 68Ballad.sty
- 68Rock.sty
- 80’sRock.sty
- AnalogP.sty
- Baroque.sty
- ClubDa∼1.sty
- CoolNigh.sty
- CowbRock.sty
- DanceP∼1.sty
- DanceS∼1.sty
- DancSoul.sty
- Entrance.sty
- EpicBa∼1.sty
- EuroBeat.sty
- EuroHo∼1.sty
- FunkFus.sty
- FunkPop.sty
- Fusion1.sty
- Fusion2.sty
- GameHS.sty
- GtrBall.sty
- HardRock.sty
- HeartBe.sty
- HipHop.sty
- HipHopP.sty
- JazzRock.sty
- LAShuf∼1.sty
- LoveSong.sty
- Modern68.sty
- OrganBa.sty
- PianoBa.sty
- PolkaP1.sty
- PolkaP2.sty
- PolkaP3.sty
- PopBal1.sty
- PopBal2.sty
- PopBal3.sty
- PopBal4.sty
- PopRhum.sty
- PopRo1.sty
- PopRo2.sty
- Rave.sty
- Rock1.sty
- Rock2.sty
- Rock3.sty
- Rock4.sty
- RockBa∼1.sty
- RockBal2.sty
- RockBal3.sty
- RockClas.sty
- RockShf1.sty
- RockShf2.sty
- SlowBall.sty
- SlowRo∼1.sty
- SlowRo∼2.sty
- SlowRo∼3.sty
- SoftFus.sty
- SoftRock.sty
- SoulShuf.sty
- StretPop.sty
- SunyRock.sty
- Techno1.sty
- Techno2.sty
- Trance1.sty
- TripHop.sty
- WestEnd.sty
Have fun!
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PSR 8000
240 Preset Styles
The PSR3000/1500, introduced in 2004, are miid-range arranger keyboards, replacing the previous PSR2100/1100 models. While the 2100 was only a minor improvement over the 2000, the 3000 represents a major step forward. It includes many of the preset voices found on the Tyros model as well as the Tyros Mega voices, which provide more realistic voice sounds in the preset styles.
The styles are a significant improvement over the styles in the 2100, which were basically the same as the styles in the 2000, and there are move of them. There are 240 preset styles in the PSR3000 (190 in the PSR1500). The PSR2100 includes 203 preset styles, the PSR2000 had 181 preset styles, and the PSR740 had 160 preset styles.
The 2000 and 2100 allow users to load a style from a floppy disk about as fast as the preset styles. This expanded the available styles to literally thousands of styles, although not all at the same time. A floppy can hold about 30 to 40 styles, so putting a floppy disk in the keyboard gave instant access to the preset styles and the styles on the floppy disk. In addition, the user memory could hold an additional 20 to 30 styles.
The PSR3000 does not have a floppy disk! In its place is a slot for a SmartMedia card, which, with its 16MB capacity, can hold hundreds of additional styles. But even more important, the PSR3000 introduces a USB port that can hold the industry standard USB thumb (or flash) drive. These little devices are common, and relatively inexpensive now, and can hold thousands of styles. And, you can unplug the drive from your PSR3000, take it to your PC, plug it in there, and copy as many styles, or other PSR files, onto it as will fit. This was a really great leap forward. With the PSR3000, a user can have all the styles they may need, instantly available, at the press of a button. This, coupled with the great sounds and styles in the 3000, has made this keyboard very popular not only for home hobbyists, but for professionals as well.
The 240 preset styles delivered with the PSR3000 are listed below. All of the styles in a particular category are listed individually and each category can be downloaded in a single zip file by clicking on the style category title. These styles will play perfectly fine on the Tyros. Since they incorporate the Mega voices in style accompainments, they will not play well on older keyboards as is, but would have to be adjusted to remove the mega voices and to substitute OTS selections that are not available on earlier PSR keyboards.
You can audition a variety of the PSR3000 voices and styles by checking out these Media Clips from Yamaha.
BALLAD - 23 Styles | |||
12-8Ballad 72 16Beat 80 16BeatBallad 66 6-8Modern 64 6-8Orchestral 62 6-8SlowRock 73 | 70'sPopBallad 75 8BeatAdria 100 8BeatBallad 101 AnalogBallad 77 ChartBallad 62 Chillout 80 | EasyBallad 94 EPBallad 60 GuitarBallad 94 GuitarSerenade 106 LoveSong 70 NewR&BBallad 76 | OrganBallad 78 PianoBallad 68 PopBallad 77 PowerBallad 60 Slow&Easy 64 |
BALLROOM - 17 Styles | |||
9-8Waltz 100 ChaChaCha 128 EnglishWaltz 90 Foxtrot 184 Jive 176 | OrganQuickstep 200 OrganSamba 124 OrganSwing 143 Pasodoble 122 Quickstep 200 | Rumba 108 Samba 110 Slowfox 108 Swingfox 192 Tango 130 | TraditionalWaltz 180 VienneseWaltz 186 |
COUNTRY - 15 Styles | |||
Bluegrass 150 CntrySing-along 160 Country2-4 105 Country8Beat 148 | CountryBallad 72 CountryPop 148 CountryRock 128 CountryShuffle 126 | CountrySwing 130 CountryTwoStep 126 CountryWaltz 140 FingerPickin 94 | Hoedown 128 ModernCntryBld 66 NewCountry 118 |
DANCE - 28 Styles | |||
6-8Trance 155 70'sDisco1 120 70'sDisco2 117 70'sDiscoFunk 112 80'sDisco 120 ChartPop 104 ClassicHipHop 93 | Clubdance 123 DiscoChocolate 106 DiscoHouse 126 DiscoPhilly 100 DreamDance 128 EuroHipHop 90 EuroTrance 140 | FrenchHouse 123 Garage 127 Groundbeat 94 House 115 Ibiza2002 135 Ibiza2004 130 LatinDJ's 127 | NewHipHop 85 NewR&B 98 RetroPop 128 SwingHouse 120 TechnoParty 132 TripHop 109 USPop 96 |
ENTERTAINER - 16 Styles | |||
6-8SchlagerBld 71 AlpBallad1 63 AlpBallad2 55 DiscoFox 126 | PartyPolka 106 PubPiano 126 ScandBugg 154 ScandCountry 156 | ScandSlowRock 84 SchlagerAlp 128 SchlagerBeat 126 SchlagerPolka 130 | SchlagerPop 120 SchlagerRock 126 SchlagerSamba 125 SchlagerShuffle 127 |
LATIN - 22 Styles | |||
Beguine 113 BigBandMambo 104 BossaNova 140 BrazilianSamba 96 Calypso 112 Caribbean 106 | CubanBolero 90 GuitarRumba 166 HappyReggae 88 LatinDisco1 124 LatinDisco2 100 Mambo 104 | Montuno 100 PopBossa 150 PopLatin 103 RockChaCha 120 RumbaFlamenca 110 RumbaIsland 112 | Salsa 106 SheriffReggae 92 SlowBossa 106 Tijuana 200 |
MOVIE&SHOW - 14 Styles | |||
70'sTVTheme 120 ChristmasSwing 158 ChristmasWaltz 80 ClassicPianoBld 66 | ModBrdwayBld 60 Moonlight6-8 50 MovieBallad 80 MovieDisco 108 | MovieSwing 90 SaturdayNight 108 SecretService 80 Showtune 135 | TapDanceSwing 125 WildWest 150 |
POP&ROCK - 24 Styles | |||
60's8Beat 130 60'sGuitarPop 128 60'sRock1 152 60'sRock2 142 70's8Beat 182 8Beat 112 | 8BeatModern 92 BritPopSwing 110 BubblegumPop 128 Cool8Beat 100 FusionShuffle 92 GuitarPop 100 | HardRock 116 HeartBeat 148 J-PopHit1 98 J-PopHit2 100 PopShuffle 90 Rock 110 | RockBallad 72 RockShuffle 121 RootRock 128 SoftRock 75 SouthernRock 131 Unplugged 120 |
R&B - 26 Styles | |||
6-8Soul 48 60'sRock&Roll 170 BlueberryBlues 96 BluesBallad 72 BluesRock 120 ComboBoogie 166 DetroitPop1 172 | DetroitPop2 150 FranklySoul 128 GospelSisters 90 GospelSwing 110 JazzFunk 120 KoolFunk 104 LovelyShuffle 118 | MotorCity 102 R&BBallad 86 Rock&Roll1 172 Rock&Roll2 176 SlowBlues 49 Soul 117 SoulBeat 124 | SoulShuffle 106 Swingin'Boogie 178 Twist 174 WorshipMed 140 WorshipSlow 75 |
SWING&JAZZ - 28 Styles | |||
40'sBigBand 82 AcousticJazz 152 Bebop 240 BigBandFast1 180 BigBandFast2 185 BigBandMed1 130 BigBandMed2 130 | Charleston 206 CoolJazzBallad 70 Dixieland 224 EasyListening 72 FastJazz 205 Five-Four 168 GuitarSwing 232 | JazzClub 164 JazzWaltzFast 194 JazzWaltzMed 180 JumpJive 200 MediumJazz 142 MidnightSwing 82 ModernJazzBld 61 | MORSwing 102 OrchBigBand1 144 OrchBigBand2 133 OrchestraSwing1 126 OrchestraSwing2 152 OrganGroove 180 Ragtime 176 |
WORLD - 27 Styles | |||
6-8March 120 BandaPolka 120 Cumbia 90 Enka 82 Flamenco 169 FolkRock 124 FrenchMusette 200 | FrenchWaltz 196 GayGordons 190 GermanMarch 112 Hawaiian 100 HullyGully 126 ItalianMazurka 143 ItalianWaltz 175 | MariachiWaltz 170 Norteno 120 OberPolka 128 OberWalzer 190 PopEnka 92 PopFlamenco 120 ScandWaltz 176 | ScottishReel 112 Sirtaki 137 SpanishPaso 122 Tarantella 136 USMarch 116 Zouk 118 |
Listed below you will find, literally, thousands of styles that can be played on your PSR-3000 (or PSR-1500) keyboard. Additional PSR-3000 compatible styles can be found in the Gig Disk Section as well as in the Collections and Other Kbd sections. Of course, the easiest way to expand your style library is to order one or more of the PSR Tutorial Style CD-ROMs.
Onacimus Conversions for the PSR3000
I have converted the various PSR model styles for the use with the PSR3000 changing appropriate voices and volume levels to match the styles on the original keyboard. All the styles are in default tempos and have one touch settings (OTS). I was able to get the dance styles of previous model styles sounding well now in the 3000 by making note changes and also velocity changes only for ‘Dance Kit’ with the Edit function of the Style creator mode. Because the DanceKit drum sounds and arrangements of 3k are different from the previous models (Models before TYROS).
I made note of Gary Diamond's lesson on EQ settings and made my settings with slight changes of Gary's EQ suggestion for the PSR3000. My EQ values are:
Setting | EQ1 | EQ2 | EQ3 | EQ4 | EQ5 |
Gain value | 5 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 8 |
Q (bandwidth) | 2.5 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.5 |
Frequency | 500Hz | 200Hz | 900Hz | 2.0kHz | 10kHz |
This setting is applicable to all of my conversions
PSR-3000 Standard Style Collection
The 'standard' collection includes the styles from the old, but great, Yamaha models PSR9000, 9000Pro, PSR2000, PSR2100, PSR1500 and CVP 209/210, which have a lot of Sweet!, Cool! and Live! voices. I have also revoiced some regular voices to use the Sweet, cool and live voices. I have included the PSR1500 styles in this collection because the drum arrangements are similar to the older models, particularly the Dance Kit. This collection of styles, although made for PSR3000 users, will also sound good on the TYROS, TYROS2, CVP3&4, and other new models. Because the drum settings, particularly the Dance Kit, are set according to the PSR3000, most of the styles may not sound well in the PSR2000, PSR9000, PSR1500 and earlier models. However, I have made separate collections for the PSR2000 and PSR2100.
(Nov 2009) I updated this Standard set for PSR 3000 by adding the new S550 styles because these have no Mega voices. The S550 styles have no OTS, so I transferred OTS from the S700 to the appropriate styles. S550 holds a lot of T2 styles. I also added some previous styles because S5 uses a lot of sweet, live, and cool voices and live drum kits (Standard1&2, Brush, Symphony, Cuban and PopLatin kits). Also, S5 uses Cool Bases and Guitars, especially Cool!SlideSteel (DynoSteel1 in 3k) and Cool!SlideClean (Starsphere in 3k) with sliding effects. Finally, I also revoiced some regular voices to sound better in 3k. So, I am sending the entire 11 sets. Please replace the entire sets except Pianist and BCH&Metro folder. I also attached the revised XL file.
(Jun 2017) I added some PSR-A1000 styles to Standard Style Collection for PSR-3000. This is the Oriental Keyboard released by YAMAHA Corporation on 2001 along with PSR-2000 and PSR-1000. This hold all PSR-1000 preset styles and additional Oriental Styles. I included some styles that have no risk of Oriental voices and drumkits. Also, I remaped some drum notes and made necessary voice changes. Here I included some selected styles in Dance (5 styles) and World (29 styles) categories. These are in SFF1 format.
(Jul 2017) Styles from PSR-A1000 and Ethnic Styles from PSR-S550 added to the World category. 33 Arabic, Iranian, and Khaligi styles from A1000 added to the World category and 24 more Khaligi styles. I also added another 10 Turkish & Greek styles and did some further adjustments in the World styles, which I split into 3 groups. I put all A1000 styles in World2 and World3.
01-PopRock 99 styles | 02-Balad 93 styles | 03-Dance 115 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 79 styles |
05-R&B 71 styles | 06-Country 52 styles | 07-Latin 95 styles | 08-Ballroom 51 styles |
09-Movie&Show 32 styles | 10-Entertainer 25 styles | 11-World1 61 styles | 12-World2[OR] 68 styles |
13-World2[OR] 68 styles | 14-Pianist 37 styles | 15-BCH&Metro 10 styles | Excel File |
PSR-3000 Mega Style Collection
The Mega style collection tackles the conversion process of styles from later keyboards that contain mega voices (Tyros. Tyros2, PSR-S700/S900, CVP 309/409, and PSR-OR700). Many of the mega voices are available on the PSR-3000, so these conversions will provide 3000 owners with an excellent expansion of their style libraries. It does take some time to complete these conversions, all of which are individually adjusted by onacimus.
01-PopRock 74 styles | 02-Ballad 59 styles | 03-Dance 61 styles | 04-SwingJazz 63 styles |
05-R&B 64 styles | 06-Country 39 styles | 07-Latin 58 styles | 08-Ballroom 41 styles |
09-MovieShow 43 styles | 10-Entertainer 28 styles | 11-World1 58 styles | 12-World2-OR 80 styles |
13-World3-OR 66 styles | 14-Pianist 35 styles | MS Excel |
PSR-3000 MegaPlus Style Collection
(Nov 2010) Yamaha changed the basic file format with the Tyros3. This new format is continued in the PSR-S910/S710 keyboards and the CVP509 keyboard. Converting these new styles to a format that can be used in the 3000 is much more difficult and does take a bit of time. This new style category is now complete.
PopRock 35 styles | Ballad 20 styles | Dance 23 styles | Swing&Jazz 16 styles |
R&B-Ballroom 6 styles | Country 10 styles | Latin 10 styles | Movie&Show 13 styles |
Entertainer 9 styles | World 4 styles | Excel file |
PSR-3000 Internet Styles Collection
(Jul 2015) - I still have my PSR 3000. I made a new collection for the 3k carrying a lot of styles from the internet (not YAMAHA preset styles). Most of the styles are Mega styles. There are more styles to convert and those will be added later. -- Onacimus
PopRock 21 styles | Ballad 15 styles | Dance 14 styles | Swing&Jazz 6 styles |
R&B 15 styles | Country 9 styles | Latin 21 styles | Movie&Show 19 styles |
Ballroom 2 styles | Entertainer 38 styles | World 13 styles |
PSR8000 Styles
To my knowledge, the PSR8000 Keyboard (8K) is the first PSR keyboard that uses standard preset voices (including 'Sweet' Voices) and XG voices in the accompaniment styles. The previous models used only General Midi voices.
PSR8000 styles have only two variations, but have four Fill-in's (AA, AB, BB & BA). If we load in 'K' models, we will get only AA & BB Fill in along with the main A & B sections. The BA Fill-in appears in the Break section. We won't get the AB fill in, which has great punch that jumps from A section to B section in the PSR8000 and the models before 1999.
I found a remedy to recover the missing AB Fill-in by using Visual Styler © 2000 MojoFlux. Thanks to MojoFlux for that wonderful program. First, I set the keyboard model to PSR9000. Then, I opened a PSR8000 style and made the following conversion.
(First click the mouse in the first column and then click the mouse in the desired Section of the next column. Store the pattern and save in a different area.)
Step0 = SInt, SInt | Step8=Intro A, Intro B |
Step1=Main A, Main A | Step9=Ending A, Ending B |
Step2=Fill In BA, Fill In AA | Step10=Main B, Main C |
Step3= | Step11=Fill In AB, Fill In CC |
Step4= | Step12=Intro B, Intro C |
Step5= | Step13=Ending B, Ending C |
Step6=Fill In AA, Fill In BB | Step14= |
Step7= | Step15=Fill In BB, Fill In DD |
The reason why I missed the Main B & D is that, first, I copied the Main A of the 8K style to Main A & B of the destination area and Main B of 8K to Main C & D of destination. If we play in any 'K' models, the A and C section plays properly, but the B & D sections produce different sound (Dis-Chord). So I sought the help of The Style Creator function in my Keyboard. In the Basic mode I checked the pattern length of Main A and changed the length of Main B accordingly also in Main C to Main D. If we leave Main B & D as blank, the Fill in Pattern BB (AA) and DD (BB) will be silent during style play back. Then, I went to the assembling mode in the Style Creator function and copied the contents of A & C to B & D. The Ending A in 'K' models ends with Auto Fill in. So I copied Intro, Ending A to B and B to C. Here, I skipped the break section. Thus, I made 8k Styles as 4V styles. All the styles are unique to 8k. Most of the styles are very similar to PSR 740 and PSR 730, but are outstanding. All the styles are in default tempos and have OTS. Here I made volume adjustments and voice changes (to XG/GM voices).
Ballad 28 styles | Ballroom 24 styles | Country 18 styles | Dance 42 styles | Latin 25 styles |
PopRock 40 styles | RhyBlues 16 styles | SwingJazz 18 styles | World 22 styles | Pianist 7 styles |
PSR9000 Styles
(Oct 2006) Here I changed the velocity of individual drums, especially in dance kits. One day, I happened to view and play PSR9000 (9K) for one hour. Most of the styles use StyleLiveStandardKit (127-000-123) and StyleLiveFunkKit (127-000-124). I found that the drum kit with prg number 123 is the same as StdKit1 of 3K and 124 is same as StdKit2 of 3K. In my previous conversions, I changed all the drum voices to StdKit1. But now styles with prg no. 124 have been changed to StdKit2 in 3K. Now, all the styles sound very good. Also, in 9K Preset Panel Styles there are 10 additional styles. 5 Metronome and 5 BassChordHold in the Ballroom section. I added these in a separate folder.
Ballad 23 Styles | Ballroom 17 Styles | Country 20 Styles | Dance 38 Styles |
Latin 25 Styles | PopRock 36 Styles | RhyBlues 23 Styles | SwingJazz 25 Styles |
World 24 Styles | Pianist 35 Styles | B.C.H./Metro 10 Styles |
I have already sent PSR9000 styles for the 3k, but this set is different. I revoiced the voices to the standard of PSR 9000PRO with Sweet, Live & Cool voices. I also did some drum leveling and remapping. This set should also work well on later models.
Ballad 25 Styles | Ballroom 29 Styles | Country 20 Styles | Dance 38 Styles |
Latin 25 Styles | PopRock 34 Styles | RhyBlues 23 Styles | SwingJazz 27 Styles |
World 20 Styles | Pianist 35 Styles |
9000PRO Styles
(Oct 2006) YAMAHA introduced an upgraded version of the PSR9000 as the 9000Pro in 2000. I do not know about the special features. But I noted that there are additional new voices (not in 9K) such as Live!Piano, AlohaGuitar, CarlosGtr, Live!Acro(Allegro), Sweet!MuteTrp, Sweet!Flugel, Live!Horns(HyperBrs), Live!Brass(PopBrass), Live!OctBrs and some additional voices not in 3k. Also 8 additional DrumKit voices including PopLainKit and CubanKit.
I viewed all the styles through Michael's MIDI Player Program. Then I made changes in tracks as well as in OTS acordingly. Here I revoiced the rhy tracks with Prg no 80/83/123/125 (LiveStyStd+P) to StdKit1 of 3k; 81/84/124/126 (LiveStyFunk+P) to StdKit2 of 3k; 82/85 (LiveBrush+P) to BrushKit of 3k. Also Styles like Beguine, Bolero, Mambo, Rumba, etc ere with PopLatin & Cuban Kits.
All the styles are same as 9k. Differentiations are made by the additional standard voices of 9kPro. But there are two aditional unique styles in S&J category, 'JazzSinger and 'VocalSwing'. They use Live!Vocal (000-114-053) I revoiced to Live!Gospel of 3k.
Ballad 23 Styles | Ballroom 17 Styles | Country 20 Styles | Dance 38 Styles |
Latin 25 Styles | PopRock 36 Styles | RhyBlues 23 Styles | SwingJazz 27 Styles |
World 24 Styles | Pianist 35 Styles | B.C.H./Metro 10 Styles |
Style Koplo Kibor Psr E243
PSR2000/2100 Styles
I have completed the conversions of the PSR2000 & PSR2100 Styles for the PSR3000. There are 209 Styles (181 Panel + 28 Floppy) in 2000 and 203 styles in 2100 conversions. Here, I changed the drum kit voices of Rhythm tracks as StyleStantardKit to StantardKit1 and StyleBrushKit to BrushKit.
In the PSR2000 conversion, I changed voices in accompaniment tracks as well as in OTS to GM-NylonGuitar, XG-MellowGuitar (for JazzGuitar), XG-Mandolin, etc in order to produce sounds similar to the PSR2000 voices. All the styles are in Basic, Pro, Session and PianoComboformats.
Ballad 21 Styles | Ballroom 17 Styles | Country 18 Styles | Dance 29 Styles | Latin 27 Styles |
PopRock 24 Styles | RhyBlues 22 Styles | SwingJazz 28 Styles | World 23 Styles |
In PSR2100, most of the Styles are the same as PSR2000. But I have changed the voices to Stantard Sweet, Live and Cool voices in tracks and OTS in order to differentiation from the 2K. GrandPiano = LiveGrandPiano, NylonGuitar = LiveClassic and LiveNylon, JazzGuitar = CoolJazzGuitar, Mandolin = SweetMandolin, JazzOrgan1 = CoolJazzOrgan, Mussete = Steirisch, ModernHarp = SweetHarmonica, Oboe = SweetOboe, SoloViolin = SweetViolin, MuteTrumpet = SweetMuteTrumpet, BrassSection = LiveHyperBrass, PopBrass = LivePopBrass, BigBrass = LiveOctaveBrass, and so on.
Ballad 17 Styles | Ballroom 16 Styles | Country 18 Styles | Dance 29 Styles | Latin 21 Styles |
PopRock 26 Styles | RhyBlues 17 Styles | Entertainer 10 Styles | SwingJazz 22 Styles | World 27 Styles |
CVP209/210 Styles
In addition to PSR2000 and PSR2100 styles for the PSR3000 conversions, I have converted the additional styles from CVP209 styles, that is, styles that are not in the PSR2000 and PSR2100. I have also included some Latin styles that are already provided in the PSR2000 (Bolero, Mambo, Rumba, Salas, etc) because they use the 'CubanKit' and 'PopLatinKit'. All together, I have converted 140 additional styles.
In the zip files here, I included PopRock & Ballad in a single category called Pop&Ballad. Latin and Ballroom are both included in the Latin category.
Pop&Ballad 19 Styles | Dance 10 Styles | Swing&Jazz 24 Styles | R&B 21 Styles |
Country 6 Styles | Latin 24 Styles | World 15 Styles | Piano 35 Styles |
I have converted all CVP 210 styles for 3k and other similar models because models like the 9000, CVP 209, 210 and TYROS1 use lots of live percussion kits. The top ones are Live Standard, Live Funk and Live Brush kit. The same sound of Live Standard kit of the above models are given as StandardKit1 of 3k and later models including the Tyris2. Similarly, LiveFunkKit sounds the same as StandardKit2, LiveBrushKit as BrushKit, and Cuban and PopLatinKit. All these styles sound good in my 3k and should also work well in later models.
Pop&Rock 31 Styles | Dance 39 Styles | Swing&Jazz 41 Styles | R&B 39 Styles |
Country 24 Styles | Latin 35 Styles | World 28 Styles | Piano 35 Styles |
Ballad 27 Styles | Ballroom 29 Styles | Movie 17 Styles |
PSR740 and PSR730 Styles
I have completed the PSR740 conversions for the PSR3000. I added the OTS as I noted from each of the internal styles of the 740. All the styles are now in the default tempo setting. Some of the voices of previous models are missing in the PSR3000, so I replaced them with similar voices (with similar sound) e.g.: NylonGuitar2 from XG/GM section for SpanishGuitar, MellowGuitar from XG/GM for JazzGuitar (Regular). Some voices are the same but have a different name. e.g. SlapGuitar in 740 is the DeepChorus in the PSR3000. I was able to get the dance styles sounding well now in the 3000 by making note changes with the Edit function of the Style creator mode. I did not have to change the voices of the Rhythm tracks, but I did made volume adjustments here and also in other tracks where necessary. I named some of the styles as Basic (.bcs), Pro (.prs) and Pianist (.pst) in Pianist section.
The reason for changing the voices to GM/XG in 740 conversion is that some of the voices of old models (PSR740, PSR9000, PSR2000) are missing in the PSR3000. AcoGrandPiano (000-112-000/001) is brighter than LivePiano (000-113-000/001) that sounds similar in XG/GM section (000-000-000/001). The sound of SpanishGuitar in old models is absent in PSR3000 panel voices, but I found a similar sound in the XG/GM section, the NylonGuitar2. So I made voice changes accordingly. Also, JazzGuitar is similar to MelowGuitar of XG/GM.
I made note of Gary Diamond's lesson on EQ settings and made my settings with slight changes of Gary's EQ suggestion for the PSR3000. My EQ values are:
EQ1 | EQ2 | EQ3 | EQ4 | EQ5 | |
Gain value | 5 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 8 |
Q(bandwidth Styles | 2.5 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.5 |
Frequency | 500Hz | 200Hz | 900Hz | 2.0KHz | 10kHz |
After setting the EQ, I then made necessary volume adjustmets in each tracks of all styles.
I categorised all 170 Styles as [01]Pop&Rock, [02]Ballad, [03]Dance, [04]Swing&Jazz, [05]R&B, [06]Country, [07]Latin, [08]Ballroom, [09]World and [10]Pianist.
01-Pop&Rock | 02-Ballad | 03-Dance | 04-Swing&Jazz | 05-R&B |
06-Country | 07-Latin | 08-Ballroom | 09-World | 10-Pianist |
PSR-730 4-variation Styles for the PSR3000
(Mar 2010) I have completed the PSR730 4-variation styles for the PSR-3000 and later keyboards. In these conversions, I balanced the volume levels, added DSP effects, changed many GM voices to Panel voices (according to the standard of 730) and other XG voices that sound better. I also added OTS (as per each 730 & 530 styles) by taking notes from each keyboard's preset styles. But I changed some similar voices. I used only one extraordinary voice (Sweet Trumpet) in style tracks as well as OTS, because PSR 730 uses Sweet Trumpet. The conversion methodology is similar to the 8000 style conversions. All 112 styles are in 9 categories.
01-Pop&Rock 17 styles | 02-Ballad 15 styles | 03-Dance 13 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 11 styles | 05-R&B 11 styles |
06-Country 10 styles | 07-Latin 12 styles | 08-Ballroom 10 styles | 09-World 13 styles | Full Set 112 styles |
PSR1700 and PSR620 Styles
These XG styles are from my old favorite PSR700 and PSR620. I made these like the PSR8000 conversions using Visual Styler. PSR1700 has Intro and Ending A & B, but PSR620 has only B. So I copied A from the PSR7000 styles, which are similar to each of the 620 styles. All these styles were originally in GM voices. To sound better, I have changed some voices to YAMAHA XG voices. These are usable in PSR3000 but they can also be used in the Tyros, Tyros2, 9000, 2100, 2000, 1500, 1100 & 1000. These styles have Intros B & C, Endings B & C and have 4 Variations. - OS
01PopRock 26 Styles | 02Ballad 10 Styles | 03Dance 24 Styles | 04SwingJazz 12 Styles | 05RB 21 Styles |
06Country 16 Styles | 07Latin 31 Styles | 08Ballroom 21 Styles | 09World 18 Styles |
Standard Styles for the PSR-1500
(Sep 2007) I made these collections of styles from the PSR9000, 9000Pro, PSR2100, PSR1500, CVP210, CVP307 and the PSR740 floppy disk for the benifit of PSR-1500 owners. I thoroughly checked the 21k styles and selected various styles with a similar from the above models, which have no Mega Voices. I selected many styles from PSR 9000 and 9000Pro that are not in the 21k and also slightly different from the 21k styles. I've collected all new CVP 210 additional styles and also the new PSR1500 styles. In addition to that, I've added the 740 floppy styles that have four variations and also Break Fill in. I copied the Intros and Endings B to C and filled the missed section (B) from PSR8000.
I brought all of these together in one large collection. I made voice changes in tracks as well as in OTS to stantard panel voices acording to the availablity of PSR-1500 voices. I also made volume adjustments as needed. Very interestingly, many styles appear as 'Session' and 'Piano Compo' as in CVP and PSR-1500. Finally, I arranged them into 10 categories (BassCHold and Metronone styles were put in the Ballroom category). novie&Show 16 Entertainer 6 B&C 10
-- Onacimus
Ballad 38 styles | Ballroom 20 styles | Country 24 styles | Dance 48 styles |
Entertainer 6 styles | Latin 29 styles | Movie&Show 16 styles | Pianist 52 styles |
Pop&Rock 43 styles | R&B 34 styles | SwingJazz 41 styles | World 26 styles |
BCH&Metro 10 styles | Excel file |
Henni's Favorite PSR3000 Styles
Below are 300+ of Henni's absolute most favourite styles tweaked to the best of his abilities for my PSR3K. (Note: I've regrouped the 315 files into a number of categories to limit the size of each of the zip files. Note that, in addition to the styles listed below, you will find many more styles from Henni's collections on Henni's Collections Page for PSR-3000 owners. These also work very well for keyboard introduced after the PSR-3000.. - JW)
Ballad 46 styles | Beat 30 styles | Country 32 styles | Piano 15 styles | Pop 36 styles |
Rock 28 styles | Waltz 27 styles | World 24 styles | Songs 20 styles | Other 47 styles |
Henni's Tyros 3 Onboard Styles Converted for PSR3K
(Jan 2009) These are converted Tyros 3 onboard styles, tweaked very heavily. I've transposed all the bass voices, added proper voices to all bass voices, changed volume settings and voices used for many, many other voices and changed drum volumes for all styles. Converting the styles is actually a lot of work. Some convert more or less o.k. with Jorgens version 2, others with version 4. Then I rescale the bass voices, tweak the other voices, volumes and find the correct guitars, which is the most difficult part. I'm sure others can improve on these results, but, hopefully, these will give you a good start on your own tweaking. (Update: 1/9/09 -- all the OTS settings have now been assigned correctly; newer versions have been added for Tyros 3 unique styles)
Ballad 50 styles | Ballroom 25 styles | Country 31 styles | Dance 51 styles |
Entertainer 36 styles | Latin 42 styles | Movie&Show 49 styles | Pop&Rock 71 styles |
R&B 47 styles | Swing&Jazz 55 styles | World 54 styles |
PSR-3000 Demos
- Michel Voncken - PSR 3000 (9:30 - Oct '06 - German)
- Michael Voncken - PSR 3000 (8:53 - English)
Convenience, Quality and Expandability Set Yamaha PSR1500 and PSR3000 Apart
Arranger Workstation Keyboards Include USB To Device, Broadband Connections
ANAHEIM, CA (June 30, 2004) — The new Yamaha PSR1500 and PSR3000 keyboards combine the technological innovation of arranger workstations and the traditional functions of portable keyboards into great sounding systems for a new generation of musicians.
Debuting at Winter NAMM 2004 and available in May, the new entries represent significant upgrades to the Yamaha PSR line, and come equipped with advanced features normally found on higher-end professional units. The PSR1500 and PSR3000 are the first Arranger Workstations to offer USB 'To Device' connections that will allow users to connect peripheral devices to their keyboards, and broadband 10Base-T, which facilitates direct connection to the Internet and downloadable content.
'The PSR1500 and PSR3000 provide affordable alternatives to high end workstations, yet include what most professionals look for – convenience, quality and expandability,' states Jim Presley, marketing manager, Yamaha Portable Keyboards. 'It's a whole new playing field, and the customer is going to want to play along.'
The PSR1500 includes 61 full-sized keys with touch response, 96 notes of polyphony, SmartMedia® storage and incredibly realistic organ voices that use modeling technology. Other features include a large 320 x 240 backlit LCD, a 16-track sequencer, 793 GM/XG voices and 16 drum kits, 210 styles, stunningly realistic voices and a stereo two-way speaker system.
'The PSR1500 represents a huge step up in technology and sound for the Yamaha Arranger Workstation line,' adds Presley. 'This product is the really the result of customer suggestions, such as the USB 'To Device' connection.'
Sound and advanced features set the PSR3000 apart from other Arranger Workstation keyboards in its class. The PSR3000 includes 61 full-sized keys with touch response, a generous 128 notes of polyphony, SmartMedia® storage and a selection of stunningly realistic sounds that use Yamaha's proprietary MegaVoice technology. The PSR3000 also includes a color LCD, a 16-track sequencer, 829 GM/XG voices, 240 styles, a stereo two-way speaker system and a video output to display music scores or lyrics.
'The PSR3000 offers the most value of all the Arranger Workstation keyboards in our product line,' states Mark Anderson, product manager, Portable Keyboards. 'Many of the features were previously reserved for our top models, like Mega Voice technology and a video output. What's more, the USB 'To Device' connection and SmartMedia capability finally bring large media storage to this level of product.'