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(The Ravenels #4)
A woman who defies her time
Dr. Garrett Gibson, the only female physician in England, is as daring and independent as any man—why not take her pleasures like one? Yet she has never been tempted to embark on an affair, until now. Ethan Ransom, a former detective for Scotland Yard, is as gallant as he is secretive, a rumored assassin whose true loyalties are a mystery. For on..more
Dr. Garrett Gibson, the only female physician in England, is as daring and independent as any man—why not take her pleasures like one? Yet she has never been tempted to embark on an affair, until now. Ethan Ransom, a former detective for Scotland Yard, is as gallant as he is secretive, a rumored assassin whose true loyalties are a mystery. For on..more
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Published February 27th 2018 by Avon
More Details..Hello Stranger
0062371894 (ISBN13: 9780062371898)
Garrett Gibson, Ethan Ransom
London, England,1876
All EditionsAdd a New EditionCombine
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R2 D2It's Ransom and Garrett for Book 4
Pheobe (Gabriel's widowed elder sister and West for Book 5
Cassandra and Sevirin for Book 6 (The last of the series)
…moreIt's Ransom and Garrett for Book 4
Pheobe (Gabriel's widowed elder sister and West for Book 5
Cassandra and Sevirin for Book 6 (The last of the series)
Confirmed by Lisa Kleypas in this interview (check for spaces)
http://www.cosmopolitan. com/entertainment/ books/a9261460/lisa-kleypas-interview/(less)
Pheobe (Gabriel's widowed elder sister and West for Book 5
Cassandra and Sevirin for Book 6 (The last of the series)
…moreIt's Ransom and Garrett for Book 4
Pheobe (Gabriel's widowed elder sister and West for Book 5
Cassandra and Sevirin for Book 6 (The last of the series)
Confirmed by Lisa Kleypas in this interview (check for spaces)
http://www.cosmopolitan. com/entertainment/ books/a9261460/lisa-kleypas-interview/(less)
R2 D2@Natalie-
i hope so too.
Severin does not get along too well with Winterbourne or Devon, and has a reputation to be manipulative, so I do see him being…more@Natalie-
i hope so too.
Severin does not get along too well with Winterbourne or Devon, and has a reputation to be manipulative, so I do see him being Cassandea's love interest. It will give much meat to the story line.(less)
2018 Historical Romance (January - June)i hope so too.
Severin does not get along too well with Winterbourne or Devon, and has a reputation to be manipulative, so I do see him being…more@Natalie-
i hope so too.
Severin does not get along too well with Winterbourne or Devon, and has a reputation to be manipulative, so I do see him being Cassandea's love interest. It will give much meat to the story line.(less)
348 books — 296 voters
Can't Wait Books of 2018 1,297 books — 4,741 voters
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Rating details
Mar 13, 2018Penny Reid rated it it was amazing
I'll read anything Lisa Kleypas writes. I love her books.
May 09, 2018Anne rated it liked it Shelves: kindle, read-in-2018, trashy-romance-novel
3.5 stars
This was pretty cute.
Then again, anything from Kleypas usually is, so that's no great surprise, is it? I was surprised that I liked this one quite a bit better than Devil in Spring, though. Then again, I was looking forward to that one, and Hello Stranger..not so much. There wasn't much about Garrett in the past books that got me excited to read her story. It's not as though I disliked her character, but she seemed somewhat dull - not at all like the shiny Pandora! Which was odd consi..more
This was pretty cute.
Then again, anything from Kleypas usually is, so that's no great surprise, is it? I was surprised that I liked this one quite a bit better than Devil in Spring, though. Then again, I was looking forward to that one, and Hello Stranger..not so much. There wasn't much about Garrett in the past books that got me excited to read her story. It's not as though I disliked her character, but she seemed somewhat dull - not at all like the shiny Pandora! Which was odd consi..more
Feb 25, 2017Bubu rated it it was ok
Spoilers ahead
Hello Stranger is, in my opinion, the weakest instalment yet in the Ravenel series; which, after finishing it last night and taking a step back to mull over, seems to be an oxymoron in the context of the series.
- No obnoxious behaviour like Kathleen and Devon showed.
- No character transplant of Rhys Winterbourne and Helen’s angelic delicacy that sent me to sleep.
- No ADHD Pandora and Gabriel whose most shocking kink is bondage light.
To make myself understandable (and actually unde..more
Feb 05, 2018Christie«SHBBblogger» rated it it was amazing · review of another editionHello Stranger is, in my opinion, the weakest instalment yet in the Ravenel series; which, after finishing it last night and taking a step back to mull over, seems to be an oxymoron in the context of the series.
- No obnoxious behaviour like Kathleen and Devon showed.
- No character transplant of Rhys Winterbourne and Helen’s angelic delicacy that sent me to sleep.
- No ADHD Pandora and Gabriel whose most shocking kink is bondage light.
To make myself understandable (and actually unde..more
Shelves: feb2018, is-it-out-yet, historical, auto-buy-author, heroine-worship, part-of-a-series, top-shelf-quality
Title: Hello Stranger
Series: The Ravenels #4
Author: Lisa Kleypas
Release date: February 27, 2018
Cliffhanger: No
HEA(view spoiler)[Yes (hide spoiler)]
Lisa Kleypas writes in a way that reminds me why I fell in love with reading romance. There was a simplicity to the story, while her way of expressing it was anything but. There were so many times I just stopped and stared at the eloquence of her beautifully descriptive writing, because it was just too good to not savor. I've read almost all of her b..more
Gibson is gonna be with Severin.. I'll be livid if she's not. But lmaoo from the last I know she's gonna be with Ransom..
LOL 'High functioning Sociopath' that explains Severin alright
LOL 'High functioning Sociopath' that explains Severin alright
Mar 01, 2018Lana ❇✾Dirty Girl Romance❇✾ rated it really liked it
*dreamy sigh*
I am not typically a reader that enjoys the instant connection and road to love that was shared between Garrett and Ransom, but boy did it ever work for me here. I can't even tell you why. I think it was a combination of several things, starting from wonderfully crafted and multilayered characters and ending with an engaging story and swoony romance. Whatever the case..more
Jun 18, 2018Beatriz rated it This woman owned the sum of him, his tenderness and violence, everything good or bad.
*dreamy sigh*
I am not typically a reader that enjoys the instant connection and road to love that was shared between Garrett and Ransom, but boy did it ever work for me here. I can't even tell you why. I think it was a combination of several things, starting from wonderfully crafted and multilayered characters and ending with an engaging story and swoony romance. Whatever the case..more
Lisa Kleypas Upcoming Books
it was amazing · review of another edition Shelves: euroaventura, favorites, libros-libros-y-más-libros, popsugar-2018
Reto #34 PopSugar 2018: Un libro publicado en 2018
¡¡Una delicia de lectura!! La serie Ravenel definitivamente quiere destronar a la familia Hathaway. Todo justo, maravilloso; absolutamente nada me sobró ni me faltó (bueno, quizá un epílogo, pero sólo de gazuza). Personajes principales adorables y secundarios que ya se han ganado el corazón de sus lectores.
Lisa Kleypas no sólo crea romances de ensueño, sino que cada vez se supera más al insertar de forma muy fluida hechos y avances de la época..more
¡¡Una delicia de lectura!! La serie Ravenel definitivamente quiere destronar a la familia Hathaway. Todo justo, maravilloso; absolutamente nada me sobró ni me faltó (bueno, quizá un epílogo, pero sólo de gazuza). Personajes principales adorables y secundarios que ya se han ganado el corazón de sus lectores.
Lisa Kleypas no sólo crea romances de ensueño, sino que cada vez se supera más al insertar de forma muy fluida hechos y avances de la época..more
Sep 20, 2017Sonya Heaney rated it it was amazing
My original 'review' is at the bottom.
Originally posted HERE.
Hello Stranger, the fourth instalment in Lisa Kleypas’ Ravenels series, is a highly anticipated read for many. Garrett, England’s first female doctor, and Ethan, mysterious and with curious ties to the Ravenel family, have been background characters in the past two books.
This is a book that builds and builds. The two characters have met a few times before the story begins, but there’s not a lot of background you’ll be missing out on..more
Originally posted HERE.
Hello Stranger, the fourth instalment in Lisa Kleypas’ Ravenels series, is a highly anticipated read for many. Garrett, England’s first female doctor, and Ethan, mysterious and with curious ties to the Ravenel family, have been background characters in the past two books.
This is a book that builds and builds. The two characters have met a few times before the story begins, but there’s not a lot of background you’ll be missing out on..more
Apr 05, 2018Jilly rated it liked it
Garret is a the first female doctor in London who talks endlessly about how independent and strong she is. Then, she meets Ethan and it's over. She throws herself at this guy so shamelessly that feminists everywhere gave a giant embarrassed groan. She literally begged this guy to kiss her. And, I'm using the word literally correctly in that sentence. That's how bad it was!
Aw, maybe that's what happened. Did you try running it under hot water?
I really didn't like Garret all that much except when..more
Mar 06, 2018Mei rated it it was amazing
I was afraid to start this book… many of my friends didn’t liked it and I didn’t like very much the previous books, so you can understand my fear…
But, since the first pages I was happy to have started it!
Many object to Garrett’s being to forceful with her “tough” and “I’m able to do everything” attitude. I don’t. I liked it!
I liked that she’s a very capable both in her medical profession and her private life. I would have loved to know more about her life in France!
The same can be said about Eth..more
But, since the first pages I was happy to have started it!
Many object to Garrett’s being to forceful with her “tough” and “I’m able to do everything” attitude. I don’t. I liked it!
I liked that she’s a very capable both in her medical profession and her private life. I would have loved to know more about her life in France!
The same can be said about Eth..more
(2.5 stars) Well, darn. I think it's official. I'm divorcing Lisa Kleypas. She's almost batting 0 for me in her latest Ravenel series, none of which are better than 3-star books, IMO. Even this one, which I had high hopes for, turned out to be a dud, with its slight romance of two underdeveloped characters mixed with a whole lot of historical information dumping. The H/h relationship doesn't develop. It just is. They decide early on they want each other and mostly ineffectually fight the sexual..more
One of the things I love Lisa Kleypas' books is how vividly written her characters are especially her heroines. In Hello, Stranger, we see Garrett Gibson, the first female physician in England and Ethan Ransom, former detective of the Scotland Yard and current spy fall in love. It was glorious.
I liked their banter and how their relationship progressed. Garrett was intrigued by Ransom but was also suspicious a..more
Mar 05, 2018Auntee rated it it was amazing · review of another edition“She was sunlight and steel, spun into a substance he’d never encountered before.”
One of the things I love Lisa Kleypas' books is how vividly written her characters are especially her heroines. In Hello, Stranger, we see Garrett Gibson, the first female physician in England and Ethan Ransom, former detective of the Scotland Yard and current spy fall in love. It was glorious.
I liked their banter and how their relationship progressed. Garrett was intrigued by Ransom but was also suspicious a..more
Shelves: 2018_reads, historical-romance, lisa-kleypas, part-of-a-series, keepers
How do you know when a book (or in this case, a series) is a keeper?
*When you've finished the book and you have no desire to read anything else.
* When you find yourself thinking about it and reliving all the best parts.
*When you're dying to start reading the series all over again but then your brain tells you 'No, you have plenty of books to read on the TBR pile--just leave it be.'
*When you realize that you havent't read any historicals in the past year except ones written by Lisa Kleypas, and y..more
*When you've finished the book and you have no desire to read anything else.
* When you find yourself thinking about it and reliving all the best parts.
*When you're dying to start reading the series all over again but then your brain tells you 'No, you have plenty of books to read on the TBR pile--just leave it be.'
*When you realize that you havent't read any historicals in the past year except ones written by Lisa Kleypas, and y..more

Shelves: guilty-pleasure, historical, regency-victorian-era, part_of_a_series
Garret Gibson is a strong independent woman who can stand her ground. As the only female doctor in 1870s England, she's seen her fair share of blood and gore. Aaaand.. she has studied self defense with the best fencing master London has to offer.
So really, she'd thank Ethan Ransom to not stick his handsome nose in her business. Granted, his remark about her 'civilized' fighting style not being adequate to fend off drunken lechers does have some merit.. but other than that: how dare he?!
So really, she'd thank Ethan Ransom to not stick his handsome nose in her business. Granted, his remark about her 'civilized' fighting style not being adequate to fend off drunken lechers does have some merit.. but other than that: how dare he?!
***3 if you want to hear an Irish brogue STARS***
La reseña ya en el blog..
Para mí el punto flojo de este libro fue la trama, no hablo de la parte del romance entre los protagonistas, eso me gustó mucho. Hablo del fondo de la historia, la intriga que se termina desinflando y los momentos en los cuales no pasa absolutamente nada. A pesar de que Lisa trata de imprimir ese halo de feminismo en la doctora no termina por desarrollar todo el potencial. A pesar..more
Mar 03, 2017Lubnaa rated it it was amazingLa reseña ya en el blog..
Para mí el punto flojo de este libro fue la trama, no hablo de la parte del romance entre los protagonistas, eso me gustó mucho. Hablo del fondo de la historia, la intriga que se termina desinflando y los momentos en los cuales no pasa absolutamente nada. A pesar de que Lisa trata de imprimir ese halo de feminismo en la doctora no termina por desarrollar todo el potencial. A pesar..more
Shelves: 2018, own, doctors, historical-romance, fav-heroes, chemistry, dirty-talk, fav-couples, fav-heroines, favorites
“I’ve always loved you. If I could choose my fate, I’d never be parted from you. Acushla… pulse of my heart, breath of my soul… there’s nothing on this earth more fair and fine than you. Your shadow on the ground is sunlight to me.”
Hello Stranger reminds me of all the reasons why I love and read romance. I FINALLY have a winner from the Ravenels series. Ethan was literally fighting Cam for the #1 spot in my heart. This book was not perfect; there was one thing that bothered me (nothing to do w..more
Maravilloso. Creo que la Kleypas se ha lucido con los dos protagonistas y su historia de amor. Me ha faltado un poco más de desarrollo en la trama de intriga, pero la historia de Garret y Ethan me ha parecido absolutamente deliciosa.
Dos personajes creados con absoluta maestría. Garret una mujer fuerte, inteligente, la primera mujer médico de Inglaterra. Ethan un personaje oscuro, fue detective y ahora anda metido en historias mayores. A los dos los conocemos de libros anteriores. Dos persona..more
Jun 05, 2018Pepa rated it liked it · review of another editionMaravilloso. Creo que la Kleypas se ha lucido con los dos protagonistas y su historia de amor. Me ha faltado un poco más de desarrollo en la trama de intriga, pero la historia de Garret y Ethan me ha parecido absolutamente deliciosa.
Dos personajes creados con absoluta maestría. Garret una mujer fuerte, inteligente, la primera mujer médico de Inglaterra. Ethan un personaje oscuro, fue detective y ahora anda metido en historias mayores. A los dos los conocemos de libros anteriores. Dos persona..more
Shelves: lisa-kleypas, regencia-y-s-xix-inglaterra
Reseña completa:
Me han gustado mucho los dos y la historia en general también. el tema del final no lo termino de encajar, no era necesario pero es como si a la autora se le haya resistido (mucho) explicarnos cómo se han enamorado estos dos. Porque a mí es algo que no me ha quedado claro y ese ha sido mi gran problema. Ella, fuerte, decidida independiente es como las protagonistas de Kleypas que me gustan y, él, enamora desde el principio. Ese pillue..more
Feb 25, 2018Carole (Carole's Random Life in Books) rated it it was amazing · review of another editionReseña completa:
Me han gustado mucho los dos y la historia en general también. el tema del final no lo termino de encajar, no era necesario pero es como si a la autora se le haya resistido (mucho) explicarnos cómo se han enamorado estos dos. Porque a mí es algo que no me ha quedado claro y ese ha sido mi gran problema. Ella, fuerte, decidida independiente es como las protagonistas de Kleypas que me gustan y, él, enamora desde el principio. Ese pillue..more
Shelves: direct-from-publisher, romance, 2018, reviewed, own-print-arc
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.
I loved this book! I have been a huge fan of Lisa Kleypas for a long time but for some reason I haven't read a lot of her work during the past few years. I can see now that this has been a big mistake on my part and that I should have made time for the Ravenels series because this was oh so good. I loved it on the first page, the last page, and all the pages in between.
The characters in this book were amazing. Dr. Garrett Gibson was..more
Mar 17, 2018Kimberly Carrington-FoxI loved this book! I have been a huge fan of Lisa Kleypas for a long time but for some reason I haven't read a lot of her work during the past few years. I can see now that this has been a big mistake on my part and that I should have made time for the Ravenels series because this was oh so good. I loved it on the first page, the last page, and all the pages in between.
The characters in this book were amazing. Dr. Garrett Gibson was..more
Julia Quinn
rated it really liked it Shelves: adorafollables, enaguas, irish-way-of-life, intriga-dolor-de-barriga, lovely-cuqui, self-made-machotes, strong-women, tiempos-pasados
Nuestra reseña en A la cama con.. un libro
De momento, el mejor de la serie (aunque nadie superará mi amor por ti, Rhys Winterbone.. hasta que llegue a West *.*)
Jul 11, 2018Wendy'sThoughts rated it De momento, el mejor de la serie (aunque nadie superará mi amor por ti, Rhys Winterbone.. hasta que llegue a West *.*)
Lisa Kleypas Books Online Free
really liked it · review of another editionRecommends it for: Lisa Kleypas Fans, Historical, Romance
4.5 Upheaval and Follow Through Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
2018 Best Romance Semifinal Round Nominee
UPDATE: I have been so fortunate to have read many of these Semifinalists. If this review helps in deciding your voting choice, then I have done my job. Happy Reading
I have been a fortunate reader. When I started my reading of this series almost all of the books were published. I was able to know for sure I would have the next entry sitting there waiting for me..At least until n..more
Jun 10, 2018Alba Turunen rated it really liked it · review of another edition* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
2018 Best Romance Semifinal Round Nominee
UPDATE: I have been so fortunate to have read many of these Semifinalists. If this review helps in deciding your voting choice, then I have done my job. Happy Reading
I have been a fortunate reader. When I started my reading of this series almost all of the books were published. I was able to know for sure I would have the next entry sitting there waiting for me..At least until n..more
Shelves: 2018, reto-libros-libros-y-más-libros-201, reto-euroaventura, victoriana-inglesa
4’5 Estrellas. Éste sí que sí, por fin un libro de los Ravenel que merece la pena, y que está a la altura de lo que Kleypas publicaba en histórica hace muchos años.
Antes de nada me gustaría decir que no iba muy convencida cuando lo empecé, porque el personaje de Garrett me parecía muy irreal. Cierto que Lisa se basó en la figura de la primera mujer en tener licencia para ejercer la medicina en Inglaterra, pero ello no hace que me choque menos el hecho de ver a una mujer en 1876 ejerciendo la med..more
Antes de nada me gustaría decir que no iba muy convencida cuando lo empecé, porque el personaje de Garrett me parecía muy irreal. Cierto que Lisa se basó en la figura de la primera mujer en tener licencia para ejercer la medicina en Inglaterra, pero ello no hace que me choque menos el hecho de ver a una mujer en 1876 ejerciendo la med..more
Awesome romance!!! Hello Stranger is the 4th book in the ravenel series and it's Garrett and Ethan's book. Garrett is a woman phycian and Ethan is a spymaster,how can two such different people fall in love? Between the passion,suspense and intrigue in back streets and alleys these two such different people will find a passion and love that can last a lifetime! Lisa Kleypas is a awesome storyteller and one of the best romance writers,I love her characters and this series is one of my very favorit..more

Feb 26, 2018Mandi Schreiner rated it really liked it
“I was taught that satisfying a woman propery should take at least as long as making dough for bread.”
Garrett writhed helplessly. “How long is that?”
“You don’t know?” he asked, amused.
“No, I can’t cook.”
I read the Publishers Weekly’s review of this book a few weeks ago, which pretty much slams it as a silly, non-plausible book and laughs it off. It made me have a scrunchy face and then I entered this book with trepidation. But I ended up really liking this one – so take that, PW! Now let me say,..more
Garrett writhed helplessly. “How long is that?”
“You don’t know?” he asked, amused.
“No, I can’t cook.”
I read the Publishers Weekly’s review of this book a few weeks ago, which pretty much slams it as a silly, non-plausible book and laughs it off. It made me have a scrunchy face and then I entered this book with trepidation. But I ended up really liking this one – so take that, PW! Now let me say,..more
May 26, 2018Yolanda rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
es que adoro a Garret y a Ethan, la historia de amor que ha creado la Kleypas para ellos, me parece una delicia. Me ha dado unos momentos preciosos y emotivos. Ese West, qué divino.
ainssss, con este tipo de protagonistas termino los libros con una satisfacción.
Rhys, te adoro querido.
Mar 07, 2018Stacey is Sassy rated it really liked it · review of another editiones que adoro a Garret y a Ethan, la historia de amor que ha creado la Kleypas para ellos, me parece una delicia. Me ha dado unos momentos preciosos y emotivos. Ese West, qué divino.
ainssss, con este tipo de protagonistas termino los libros con una satisfacción.
Rhys, te adoro querido.
Shelves: doctor-in-the-house, is-that-a-gun-in-your-pocket, historical-series, steamy, sweet, the-good-guy-hero, there-will-be-blood
Book world confession time…again.
I hope hubby doesn’t see this review. I’ve been blaming…using him as a scapegoat…taking advantage of his guilt for too long now. It’s time I owned up to my deceit.
I use my hubby’s snoring as an excuse to read more…
Well, there you have it. Now that the burden has been removed I can go on with my life.
You may laugh, but that burden has been weighing on me for quite a while now. See, hubby snores sometimes. If I’m lucky, I can turn him over, stop the snoring, and ge..more
Shelves: romance-histórico, so-cute, erótico, funny
*** 3.5 Hellooo, Sexy Irish STARS ***
Sinceramente no esperaba nada de esta historia, me sorprendió muchísimo y lo disfruté que fue lo mejor de todo. Esta serie ha ido de menos a más, porque los dos..more
—Desde que te vi, supe que serías mi porción del mundo. Siempre te he querido. Si pudiera elegir mi destino, nunca me separaría de ti. Acushla.. latido de mi corazón, aliento de mi alma.. no hay nada sobre la faz de la Tierra más hermoso y dulce que tú. Tu sombra en el suelo es el sol para mí.
Sinceramente no esperaba nada de esta historia, me sorprendió muchísimo y lo disfruté que fue lo mejor de todo. Esta serie ha ido de menos a más, porque los dos..more
Feb 19, 2019Mo rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I enjoyed this one. Didn't know there was an Irish connection prior to starting it so was pleasantly surprised when I came across it. You know me. If 'the Irish' is not done right, I can be a bit of a bitch about it. One or two things were not quite right .. missing 'síne fada' on the odd word but, overall, well done. Or as they would say in Ireland, 'an mhaith'! See, I can be nice about 'the Irish' in books .. sometimes.
Nowadays having an Irish brogue is the surest way to have a door slammed..more
Mar 08, 2018Esther rated it liked it
This was a disappointment. Maybe my expectations were to high??
I needed more of a romantic/emotional connection between Ethan and Garrett, not just the sexual pull/attractions.
Way too much medical details.
Something was missing and not sure what.
Slow start.
Needed a little more for the ending.
Feb 22, 2019Sammy Loves Books rated it really liked it · review of another editionI needed more of a romantic/emotional connection between Ethan and Garrett, not just the sexual pull/attractions.
Way too much medical details.
Something was missing and not sure what.
Slow start.
Needed a little more for the ending.
Shelves: library-audio, virgins-like-sex-too, historical-romance, bad-ass-heroine, do-me-baby, favorite-heroine, the-dong-is-long
Surprise!! There is another Ravenel, and he's a total badass!!
“You wanted to find out how much I could make you feel. You wanted to know what it was like to lose yourself in passion, and find yourself safe in my arms afterward. Now Iʹm here, and Iʹm going to love you with everything I have in me.”
“The first moment I saw you, I knew you were my share of the world. Iʹve always loved you. If I could choose my fate, Iʹd never be parted from you. Acushla .. pulse of my heart, breath of my soul..more
“You wanted to find out how much I could make you feel. You wanted to know what it was like to lose yourself in passion, and find yourself safe in my arms afterward. Now Iʹm here, and Iʹm going to love you with everything I have in me.”
“The first moment I saw you, I knew you were my share of the world. Iʹve always loved you. If I could choose my fate, Iʹd never be parted from you. Acushla .. pulse of my heart, breath of my soul..more
topics | posts | views | last activity |
lisa kleypas books in chronological order | 3 | 25 | Apr 09, 2019 04:41AM |
We Love Lisa Kleypas:Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4) by Lisa Kleypas | 11 | 53 | Mar 03, 2019 06:52PM |
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Nothing But Readi..:Kleypas, Lisa--Hello Stranger informal buddy read starts June 3, 2018 | 87 | 184 | Jul 05, 2018 11:35PM |
who's your fav Ravenel ? whose book you excited the most | 11 | 65 | Apr 30, 2018 06:18PM |
Romance Readers R..:April Buddy Read - Hello Stranger (HeatherMarie, Marcy) | 25 | 24 | Apr 30, 2018 08:44AM |
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LISA KLEYPAS is the RITA award-winning author of 21 novels. Her books are published in fourteen languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband and two children.
The Ravenels(6 books)
“Turning to Winterborne, he remarked casually, “No one’s ever showered me with cash before. I must say, it inspires feelings of instant affection.” — 13 likes
“Don’t mistake softness for weakness. Only a strong man can be soft with a woman.” — 11 likes
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