Knight Rider The Fan Game Demo

publisher : Davilex

Game mode: single / multiplayer

Sonic fan game

Knight Rider: The Game is a video game developed by Davilex Games based on the original television series of the same name. The game was released in Europe on PlayStation 2 and PC on November 22, 2002 and in North America on the PC on February 12, 2003.

Multiplayer mode: split screen, players: 1-2

game release date:


DemoFiles 2Series

Based on the famous 80's TV series and the success of Knight Rider The Game, Davilex now brings you Knight Rider - The Game - 2. This action-packed game, with new thrilling adventures, missions and features will guarantee hours upon hours of compelling gameplay & fun!


World renowned TV series

Original aired 1982-1986

Film Knight Rider 2000 released 1991

84 episodes / 90 hours

Shown in over 80 countries

In continuous syndication (reruns) worldwide

100s of millions of viewers

Millions of fans worldwide

Officially licensed from Universal Studios

Knight Rider - The Game 1 sold more than 300.000 copies

New Features in KR II

New interactive fighting system

KITT has access to 3 different type of weapons

- Laser

- Plasma gun

- Missiles

Fight spectacular battles against enemies

- Garthe and Goliath


- Different types of robots

All Knight Rider Games

- Choppers

- Turrets

- Laser protecting system

KITT has an electric shield to protect himself from enemy attacks

Use KITT's Micro Jam to open gates and control elevators and Laser protecting systems

Interact with the environment and solve puzzles

11 new story based missions

New in-game animation system

Improved visual effects

Improved controls

Energy recharge system

And of course:


Turbo boost

Super pursuit mode

Ski Mode

Night Vision

Similar games:

Grand Theft Auto III

Knight Rider Game Free Play

Miami Vice


Spy Hunter (2002)

System requirements

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium 4 1.4 GHz, 256MB RAM, graphic card 64MB, 400 MB HDD

Sony PlayStation 2

Uses: memory card

Knight Ridermight not seem like the most obvious licensed property to base a game on. When you get right down to it, the original 1980s television show was about a talking, crime-fighting car that could do tricks. The car in question was KITT (the Knight Industries Two Thousand), and it could get up on two wheels, jump over things, and perform other ridiculous feats that were usually specific to the plot of any given episode. And developer Davilex has tried to implement these car tricks in Knight Rider for the PC, making for a strange game that’s almost like a cross between a traditional racer and a platform-jumping action game.
The levels are laid out like stunt courses.
Knight Rider has two types of missions: those that require you to race, and those that require you to explore. In this respect, it is similar to SCi’s violent car-combat game Carmageddon 3. It is also similar to Carmageddon 3 in that the racing sections are fun, but the exploration sections are tedious. Unfortunately, you often have to do both in any given mission. Knight Rider isn’t a bad game–it’s just too short and too repetitive. Most missions will require you to chase a helicopter or another car, drive around a compound and scan buildings, or both. The game is full of time limits, requiring you to “Stop that helicopter!” or “Get to the transmission station!” in some short period of time. It’s usually not very difficult–in fact, for some reason, the time limits are really only a factor in the training missions. The “hard” difficulty setting makes things a little more challenging, but on the easy or normal settings, you can finish all the game’s missions in one or two tries.

Knight Rider The Fan Game Demo Download

System= Pentium III CPU 733 MHz
RAM= 128 MB
Size= 154 MB
Video Memory= 16 MB
OS= Windows 98, XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8
