Convert As400 Spool Files Pdf
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- What is the size of your overlay and how was it created? It may be it is not scaling to the right size.
report - It is an *ovl file. Size is 32768. When I print the spooled file, it is printing correctly, but when I do the cpysplf and print the .pdf, some of the font (not all) is completely different.
report - You say the font is different, is this font in the overlay or the data coming from the i-series that is changing?
report - It is the font in the overlay. It is printing the data ok.65 pointsBadges:
report - Sounds like an unsupported font, or font size. What is the font giving you the problem, Check to see if it is supported on the i-Series.
report - It is not the font type that is the is more the font size. The overlay has several different sizes of the same font in different areas. It seems to be printing the same font style, it is just making it all the same size.65 pointsBadges:
report - Found this as a possible solution to a similar problem.'we were missing PTFs SI44072 and SI43764. As soon as they were applied, everything works just great'
report - I have already checked on that. We already have those PTF's.
report - Guys, anybody know how to convert the spool files to pdf in color.
report - For color I think you need 3rd party software like PDFing or one of the others out there.
report - After further investigation, I discovered that the font we used on the overlay on the iseries is not supported in pdf. The font we are using is 11 (courier) and 420 (courier roman bold). PDF changes the courier font to courier std but it keep the courier roman bold, however, the width and height settings on the fonts in the overlay are ignored. Do I need to specify a different font for each different size we use? How do I know which fonts we have on the iseries are supported in .pdf?
report - 32,320 pointsBadges:
report - Not yet..still working on it.65 pointsBadges:
Convert As400 Spool File To Excel
IPDF allows you to easily convert your iSeries spool file reports, forms, checks, invoices, purchase orders and other business documents to the universal Portable Document Format without any programming or manual tasks. Anything to do with AS400/Iseries reports. Login or Sign Up Log in with Facebook; Sponsored Links. Download bone thugs n harmony the art of war zip. Convert Spool File to PDF. Thanks Jamie for all of the help getting your wonderful convert 2 pdf or html tool working on our system. If anyone is looking for a great way to get your 400 reports in a universal digital format.